A map has a scale of 3 centimeters = 4 kilometers. If two cities are 8 centimeters apart on the map, what is the actual distance between the cities, to the nearest tenth of a kilometer?

8/3 = x/4

x = 32/3 = 10.7 km

To find the actual distance between the cities, we can use the scale provided on the map. The scale tells us that 3 centimeters on the map represent 4 kilometers in real life.

First, we need to determine how many kilometers each centimeter on the map represents:
1 centimeter on the map represents (4 kilometers / 3 centimeters) = 1.33 kilometers.

Next, we can find the actual distance between the cities by multiplying the number of centimeters on the map by the ratio we just found:
8 centimeters on the map * 1.33 kilometers per centimeter = 10.64 kilometers.

Therefore, the actual distance between the cities is approximately 10.64 kilometers to the nearest tenth of a kilometer.