(a) Which of the following are requirements for anionic polymerization?

--A double bond
--End groups which can react by releasing a small molecule
--A strong base to initiate the reaction
--A strong acid to initiate the reaction
--An electron-withdrawing group near the double bond

(b) Which of the following groups are indicative of anionic polymerization?


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(a) To determine which of the following are requirements for anionic polymerization, we can go through each option and analyze its relevance:

1. A double bond: A double bond is not a specific requirement for anionic polymerization. Anionic polymerization can occur with both double bonds and single bonds.

2. End groups which can react by releasing a small molecule: This is a requirement for anionic polymerization. The end groups of the growing polymer chain must have the ability to react by releasing a small molecule, such as a molecule of water, to continue the polymerization process.

3. A strong base to initiate the reaction: This is a requirement for anionic polymerization. A strong base is needed to initiate the reaction by abstracting a proton from the monomer.

4. A strong acid to initiate the reaction: Anionic polymerization is not initiated by a strong acid. Strong acids typically initiate cationic polymerization.

5. An electron-withdrawing group near the double bond: This is not a specific requirement for anionic polymerization. An electron-withdrawing group can have an effect on the reaction, but it is not essential for the process to occur.

Therefore, the requirements for anionic polymerization are:
- End groups which can react by releasing a small molecule
- A strong base to initiate the reaction

(b) To determine which of the following groups are indicative of anionic polymerization, we need to identify which groups have the potential to form anions when reacted with a strong base. Let's analyze each group:

1. F: Fluorine alone is not typically indicative of anionic polymerization. However, if it is part of a functional group that can form an anion when reacted with a strong base, it may be indicative.

2. Cl: Chlorine alone is not typically indicative of anionic polymerization. Similar to fluorine, it may be indicative if part of a functional group that can form an anion with a strong base.

3. 3: The presence of an ester group (3) can potentially form an anion when reacted with a strong base. Therefore, 3 is indicative of anionic polymerization.

4. H: Hydrogen alone cannot form an anion and is not indicative of anionic polymerization.

5. CH2CH3: This is the general formula for an alkyl group. Alkyl groups alone are not indicative of anionic polymerization.

Therefore, the groups that are indicative of anionic polymerization are:
- 3