What factors do you think contribute to people using tobacco in your school?

A: I believe people use tobacco in my school for many reasons. Some want to fit in with friends who smoke, and others want to appear "cool."

I agree.

You are absolutely correct....here is a little more information and where you can find this information.

The Attraction for Kids
Kids might be drawn to smoking and chewing tobacco for any number of reasons — to look cool, act older, lose weight, win cool merchandise, seem tough, or feel independent.

Information taken from kids health

To determine the factors that contribute to people using tobacco in your school, you would need to gather information through surveys, interviews, or observations. Here's how you can approach this research:

1. Surveys: Create a survey with questions related to tobacco use, such as reasons for starting, influences, and perceived benefits. Distribute the survey to students in your school anonymously and collect the responses.

2. Interviews: Conduct interviews with individuals who smoke or have smoked in the past. Ask open-ended questions to understand their motivations, peer influences, and any other factors that played a role in their tobacco use.

3. Observations: Observe the behaviors and social dynamics within your school environment. Note any peer pressure, social acceptance of smoking, or other factors that seem to contribute to tobacco use.

4. Research: Supplement your findings with existing research on tobacco use among students. Look for studies or reports that highlight common reasons for tobacco use among young people.

By combining the data you collect from surveys, interviews, observations, and existing research, you can gain insights into the factors that contribute to tobacco use in your school. This information can then help develop strategies for prevention and intervention efforts.