an office management committee is focused on

a.instructing employees on proper ergonomics
b.preparing for disaster or emergency situations

my answer is b

To determine the correct answer between options a and b, let's break down the question and analyze each option:

a. Instructing employees on proper ergonomics: This option suggests that the office management committee's focus is to educate and provide guidance to employees regarding proper ergonomics. Ergonomics in the office setting primarily pertains to the arrangement of furniture, equipment, and workstations to ensure efficiency, comfort, and safety for employees. This could involve things like proper desk and chair positioning, use of adjustable equipment, and advice on maintaining healthy posture.

b. Preparing for disaster or emergency situations: This option implies that the office management committee is primarily concerned with planning and preparing for potential disasters or emergency situations. This could involve activities such as conducting risk assessments, establishing emergency response protocols, organizing drills and training sessions, developing evacuation plans, and ensuring the availability of essential supplies and equipment.

To accurately determine the correct answer, we need to consider the primary focus of the office management committee. Based on the information provided, option b, preparing for disaster or emergency situations, seems more aligned with the responsibilities of an office management committee. This is because disaster preparedness and response fall within the purview of such a committee, as they are responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of employees in any unexpected or emergency situation.

Therefore, your answer of b, preparing for disaster or emergency situations, appears to be correct.