A monument in the form of a marble cylinder has a circular base with a radius of 1.5 meters. The altitude of the monument is 3.5 meters. How many cubic meters of marble does this monument contain?

A. 7.07 m^3
B. 21.21 m^3
C. 24.74 m^3
D. 6.19 m^3

To find the volume of the monument, we need to calculate the volume of the circular base and multiply it by the altitude.

The formula for the volume of a cylinder is given as V = π(r^2)h, where V is the volume, r is the radius of the base, and h is the height or altitude.

Given that the radius (r) of the circular base is 1.5 meters and the altitude (h) is 3.5 meters, we can substitute these values into the formula:

V = π(1.5^2)(3.5)
= π(2.25)(3.5)
≈ 7.07π

To find the numerical value of the volume, we need to approximate π. Taking π as approximately 3.14, we can calculate:

V ≈ 7.07(3.14)
≈ 22.18

Therefore, the monument contains approximately 22.18 cubic meters of marble.

Comparing this value to the given options, we can see that the closest option is B. 21.21 m^3.