The sides of a triangle are 8,15 and 18 the shortest side of a similar triangle is 10 how long are the other sides?

Find the scale factor of similar triangles whose sides are 4,12,20 and 5,15,25

Assume that traingle xyz is similar to triangle rpn with x(ray sign) r and p(ray sign) y. State three proportions that are TRUE

Prove that if one two similar triangles is isosceles, then the other is also isosceles

How to do those please/

See previous post: Sat, 11-16-13, 7:13 PM.

To find the lengths of the other sides of a similar triangle, you can use the concept of proportional sides. In similar triangles, corresponding sides are in proportion to each other.

1. For the first question:
a. Write the proportion using the given sides: 8/10 = 15/x = 18/y (where x and y are the lengths of the other sides).
b. Solve for x: 8/10 = 15/x, cross multiply to get 8x = 150, then divide both sides by 8 to obtain x.
c. Solve for y: 8/10 = 18/y, cross multiply to get 8y = 180, then divide both sides by 8 to obtain y.

2. For the second question:
a. Write the proportion using the given sides: 4/5 = 12/15 = 20/25.
b. Simplify the proportions if necessary.

3. For the third question:
a. Triangle XYZ ~ Triangle RPN means their corresponding sides are in proportion.
b. Write the proportions: XY/RP = XZ/RN = YZ/PN.
c. Note that these proportions are true for any similar triangles.

4. To prove that if one of two similar triangles is isosceles, the other is also isosceles:
a. Assume Triangle ABC and Triangle XYZ are similar.
b. Suppose Triangle ABC is isosceles, which means AB = AC.
c. Use the concept of proportional sides to show that the corresponding sides of Triangle XYZ are also equal.

Please let me know if you need further explanation or assistance with these topics.