a web site created the maui services has a url of pro which of the following types of organizations is maui services

a.for profit organization
b.licensed professionals
c.non profit organization
d.professional association

my answer is b

Please reread and correct your question ... I can't make sense of it.

would the answer br d

I don't know what this means: "has a url of pro"

I know what URL means, but that phrase makes no sense to me.

To determine the type of organization that "maui services" is, we can look at the URL extension. In this case, the URL has ".pro" as its extension.

The ".pro" domain extension is specifically intended for licensed professionals and professional entities. It is commonly used by individuals or companies in various professions who want to establish a professional online presence.

Therefore, based on the URL extension "pro," we can conclude that "maui services" is most likely a licensed professional organization, making option b, "licensed professionals," the correct answer.