i am currently doing an iodine value lab an error occured in my results and i do not know how to write up the conclusion and the discussion

Writing the conclusion and discussion for your iodine value lab report can be broken down into a few key steps:

1. Review your experimental procedure: Make sure you understand the purpose of the experiment, the techniques used, and any potential sources of error or variability.

2. Analyze your results: Examine your data carefully, noting any patterns or trends. Calculate averages or other statistical measures if appropriate.

3. Address the error or discrepancy: Identify the error that occurred and evaluate how it might have affected your results. Consider whether there were any procedural mistakes, instrument malfunctions, or external factors that could have influenced the outcome.

4. Write the conclusion:
- Summarize the purpose and objectives of the lab (determining iodine value).
- Briefly mention the experimental procedure and materials used.
- State the observed values or data obtained from the experiment.
- Comment on any patterns or trends found in the data.
- Address the error or discrepancy that occurred and explain its potential impact on the results.
- State the limitations of the experiment, such as factors that may have affected accuracy or precision.
- Evaluate the overall success of the experiment in achieving its goals.
- Highlight any potential improvements or recommendations for future experiments.

5. Write the discussion:
- Interpret the results obtained and explain their significance. Relate the findings back to the objective of the experiment.
- Compare your results with expected or theoretical values, if applicable.
- Analyze and discuss any trends, deviations, or unexpected observations.
- Discuss potential sources of error and their impact on the results.
- Consider the limitations or weaknesses of the experimental design.
- Propose explanations or hypotheses for any unexpected or inconsistent results.
- Offer suggestions for future investigations or modifications to the experimental protocol.

Remember to use scientific terminology, provide relevant data or calculations, and support your statements with evidence from your experiment. Additionally, consult any specific guidelines or requirements given by your instructor or lab manual to ensure you adhere to the expected format and content.