How do the 3rd grade boys’ weight in Principal Ben’s school compare to the national average (mean weight = 90, sd =15)? Provide the IV, DV, and best method of analysis.

To compare the 3rd grade boys' weight in Principal Ben's school with the national average, you would need to collect data on the boys' weight in Principal Ben's school.

IV (Independent Variable): 3rd grade boys' weight in Principal Ben's school
DV (Dependent Variable): Comparison to the national average

To conduct this analysis, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Data Collection
1. Collect the weight data of all 3rd grade boys in Principal Ben's school.
2. Ensure the data you collect is accurate and includes the weight of each boy.

Step 2: Calculate the Mean and Standard Deviation
1. Calculate the mean weight of the 3rd grade boys in Principal Ben's school using the collected data.
2. Calculate the standard deviation of the weight of the 3rd grade boys in Principal Ben's school using the collected data.

Step 3: Compare with National Average
1. Compare the mean weight of the 3rd grade boys in Principal Ben's school with the national average mean weight (which is 90).
2. Compare the standard deviation of the 3rd grade boys' weight in Principal Ben's school with the national average standard deviation (which is 15).
3. This will allow you to determine how the weight of the 3rd grade boys in Principal Ben's school compares to the national average.

Step 4: Analysis Method
The best method of analysis will depend on the specific research question and the nature of the data collected. However, in this case, a simple descriptive analysis would be sufficient to compare the 3rd grade boys' weight in Principal Ben's school with the national average. The focus is primarily on comparing the means and standard deviations.

You can also calculate z-scores for the boys' weight in Principal Ben's school to determine how they compare to the national average. A z-score measures how many standard deviations an individual data point is from the mean of a distribution. If a z-score is positive, it indicates that the data point is above the mean, and if it is negative, it means the data point is below the mean. This analysis can provide a more precise comparison.

In summary, the IV is the weight of the 3rd grade boys in Principal Ben's school, the DV is the comparison to the national average, and the best method of analysis is to calculate the mean, standard deviation, and z-score to evaluate how the 3rd grade boys' weight in Principal Ben's school compares to the national average.