a homing pigeon flies 180km in 3hours . at this average , how far could the pigeon travel in 4 hour

In 3 hrs, it flies 180 km, so

in 1 hour , it flies 60 km
then in 4 hrs, it would fly 4(60) or 240 km

To calculate the distance the pigeon could travel in 4 hours, we can use the concept of average speed.

The average speed of the pigeon is given by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken. In this case, the pigeon flew 180 km in 3 hours. So, let's calculate the average speed:

Average speed = Total distance / Total time
= 180 km / 3 hours
= 60 km/h

Now that we know the average speed of the pigeon is 60 km/h, we can calculate the distance the pigeon could travel in 4 hours by multiplying the average speed by the given time:

Distance = Average speed × Time
= 60 km/h × 4 hours
= 240 km

Therefore, the pigeon could travel 240 km in 4 hours at this average speed.