In the following two questions, identify which choices would be considered inferential statistics and which would be considered inferential statistics.

1. of 500 randomly selected people in new york city, 210 people had O+ blood.
a) "42 percent of the people in NYC have O+ blood" Is the statement descriptive statistics or inferential statistics?

b) "58 percent of the people in NYC do not have type O+ blood" Is the statement descriptive statistics or inferential statistics?

c) "42 percent of all people living in NY state have type O+ blood" Is the statement descriptive statistics or inferential statistics?

2. On the last three Friday evening, City hospital diagnosed a number of heroin overdoses. There were four on 1/14/20xx, two on 1/21/20xx, and six on 1/28/20xx.

a) "City Hospital averaged four herion overdoses in their ER for the last three Firday evenings"

b) "City Hospital never has more than six herion overdoses on Friday evenings"

c) "Friday nights are the busiest time for herion overdoses at City Hospital"

1. Inference Statistics vs. Descriptive Statistics:

a) "42 percent of the people in NYC have O+ blood" is Descriptive Statistics. This statement provides a summary of the observed data from the sample of 500 randomly selected people in NYC. It describes the proportion of people with O+ blood among the selected individuals without making any claims about the larger population.

b) "58 percent of the people in NYC do not have type O+ blood" is Inferential Statistics. This statement goes beyond the observed data and makes an inference about the larger population of NYC. It suggests that the proportion of people without O+ blood in the entire population is estimated to be 58 percent based on the sample data.

c) "42 percent of all people living in NY state have type O+ blood" is Inferential Statistics. This statement extends beyond the observed sample in NYC and makes an inference about the entire population of NY state. It suggests that the proportion of people with O+ blood in the entire state is estimated to be 42 percent based on the sample data.

2. Inference Statistics vs. Descriptive Statistics:

a) "City Hospital averaged four heroin overdoses in their ER for the last three Friday evenings" is Descriptive Statistics. This statement provides a summary of the observed data from the last three Friday evenings at City Hospital. It describes the average number of heroin overdoses without making any claims about other hospitals or populations.

b) "City Hospital never has more than six heroin overdoses on Friday evenings" is Inferential Statistics. This statement goes beyond the observed data at City Hospital and makes an inference about the maximum number of heroin overdoses on Friday evenings. It suggests that, based on the observed data, it can be inferred that City Hospital's maximum number of overdoses is six.

c) "Friday nights are the busiest time for heroin overdoses at City Hospital" is Inferential Statistics. This statement makes an inference about the pattern of heroin overdoses at City Hospital. It suggests that, based on the observed data, it can be inferred that Friday nights tend to have the highest number of overdoses compared to other days.

1. a) "42 percent of the people in NYC have O+ blood" is descriptive statistics. It provides information about a specific sample of people in NYC.

b) "58 percent of the people in NYC do not have type O+ blood" is inferential statistics. It draws a conclusion about the entire population of people in NYC based on the sample data.
c) "42 percent of all people living in NY state have type O+ blood" is inferential statistics. It makes an inference about the entire population of people living in NY state based on the sample data.

2. a) "City Hospital averaged four heroin overdoses in their ER for the last three Friday evenings" is descriptive statistics. It provides information about the average number of heroin overdoses in the hospital's ER specifically on Friday evenings.
b) "City Hospital never has more than six heroin overdoses on Friday evenings" is descriptive statistics. It provides information about a limit or boundary of the number of heroin overdoses on Friday evenings specifically at City Hospital.
c) "Friday nights are the busiest time for heroin overdoses at City Hospital" is descriptive statistics. It provides information about the pattern or trend of heroin overdoses specifically at City Hospital on Friday nights.