the number of students at a university increases from 8000 in 1970 to 20,000 in 2000. what was the percent increase in enrollment from 1970 to 2000?

(20,000 - 8,000) / 8,000 = ?

Multiply your answer by 100 to find the percent increase.


To calculate the percentage increase in enrollment from 1970 to 2000, we first need to find the difference between the two enrollment numbers, and then express that difference as a percentage of the initial enrollment in 1970.

Step 1: Find the difference in enrollment
Enrollment in 2000 = 20,000
Enrollment in 1970 = 8,000

Difference = Enrollment in 2000 - Enrollment in 1970
Difference = 20,000 - 8,000
Difference = 12,000

Step 2: Calculate the percentage increase
Percentage increase = (Difference / Enrollment in 1970) * 100

Percentage increase = (12,000 / 8,000) * 100
Percentage increase = 1.5 * 100
Percentage increase = 150%

Therefore, the percentage increase in enrollment from 1970 to 2000 is 150%.