Imagine this team is in a room together brainstorming and working on a team project.

Using your experience and what you've learned this week, suggest a design for a room that would facilitate team interaction.

In the team discussion area, respond to the following:

How would this room look?
How would the room be arranged?
What would the seating arrangement look like?
What colors or decorating schemes would be used?
How would this setting communicate nonverbally what the team has set out to accomplish?

"Using your experience and what you've learned this week..."

Do you understand that no one here will so your assignment for you? Do you understand that no one here knows what you learned "this week"?

What is YOUR question about your assignment?

To design a room that facilitates team interaction, here are some suggestions based on what I've learned this week:

1. Room Layout: The room should be open and spacious, with enough room for team members to move around comfortably. Avoid any obstacles or obstructions that may hinder communication or collaboration. Consider having an open floor plan with minimal partitions or walls to encourage a sense of unity and togetherness among team members.

2. Seating Arrangement: Arrange the seating in a way that promotes face-to-face interaction. Instead of traditional rows of desks, consider using circular or rectangular tables where team members can sit around and see each other easily. Alternatively, flexible seating options like comfortable chairs or bean bags can also encourage a relaxed and collaborative environment.

3. Colors and Decor: Choose colors that evoke a sense of creativity, energy, and focus. Bright and warm colors like orange, yellow, and red can stimulate creativity and keep the team motivated. However, it's essential to strike a balance by incorporating neutral tones like white or light gray to create a visually pleasing atmosphere. Decorations can include motivational quotes, inspiring artwork, or even a whiteboard or corkboard for capturing and sharing ideas.

4. Nonverbal Communication: Use visual cues to communicate the team's objectives and goals. For example, you can have a prominent display board showcasing the project timeline, milestones, and key deliverables. Additionally, use wall space to display brainstorming maps, mind maps, or visual representations of the team's progress. This allows team members to grasp the bigger picture, stay aligned, and have a constant reminder of what they aim to achieve.

Remember that the design of the room should prioritize comfortable collaboration, effective communication, and fostering a positive team atmosphere. Tailor the design to the specific needs and preferences of your team members, as different teams may have different dynamics and working styles.