8x/6y divide by 2x/3y


(8x/6y)(3y/2x) = 2

To simplify the expression (8x/6y) divided by (2x/3y), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Invert the divisor (the number or expression you are dividing by), which means taking its reciprocal. In this case, the reciprocal of (2x/3y) is (3y/2x).

Step 2: Rewrite the expression as a multiplication problem by multiplying the dividend (the number or expression you are dividing) by the reciprocal of the divisor.

So, (8x/6y) divided by (2x/3y) becomes (8x/6y) multiplied by (3y/2x).

Step 3: Simplify the expression by canceling out any common factors in the numerator and denominator.

In this case, the 2x in the numerator cancels out with the 2x in the denominator, as well as the 6y in the numerator with the 3y in the denominator. This leaves us with:

(8/3) multiplied by (y/y).

Step 4: Simplify further by multiplying the numerical values:

8/3 multiplied by 1 (since y/y equals 1) is equal to 8/3.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 8/3 (or 2 2/3).

To summarize:
(8x/6y) divided by (2x/3y) = (8x/6y) multiplied by (3y/2x) = (8/3) multiplied by (y/y) = 8/3 (or 2 2/3).