Create an abstract image reflecting the concept of mathematical formulae and growth. In the beginning of the image, illustrate a simple, unmodified algebraic equation represented by geometric shapes. Near the middle, show the shapes subtly increasing in size, symbolizing an increase. Towards the end, show these geometric shapes conspicuously larger, demonstrating the concept of percentage increase.

Given that G=ab, find the percentage increase in G when both a and b increase by 10%.


The percentage increase in X is 21%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that X=ab ,find the percentage increase in X when both a and b increases by 10%.

Given: X=ab, a is increased by 10%, b is increased by 10%

Asked: The percentage increase in X


Change 10% into decimal and that is 0.10 or 0.1

If a is increased by 10% or 0.1, then it will become,

a + 0.1a

= 1a + 0.1a     It is understood that a has a numerical coefficient of 1.

= 1.1a

If b is increased by 10% or 0.1, then it will become,

b +0.1b

= 1b + 0.1b     It is understood that b has a numerical coefficient of 1.

= 1.1b

Using the given X = ab, when both a and b is increased by 10% or 0.1, then

X = (1.1a) (1.1b)


In the given X = ab, ab as a numerical coefficient of 1. Thus,

1.21ab - ab

= 1.21ab - 1ab             It is understood that ab has a numerical coefficient of 1.

= 0.21                         Change into percent by moving the decimal point to    the right (two decimal places) and add the percent sign.

= 21% is the percentage increase in X when both a and b increase by 10%

estimate any number for a and b

like, if a = 100
and b also equals 100
G will equal 100 * 100 G=10,000
since the percentage increase is 10% we add 10 to a and b
a=110 and b=110
so G will equal 110*110 which equals G=12,100
to find the percentage increase:
10,000 100%
2100 x

G = ab

(1.1a)(1.1b) = 1.21 ab = 1.21G
G increases by 21%

To find the percentage increase in G when both a and b increase by 10%, we can start by understanding how G is calculated.

The equation given is G = ab, where G represents the value obtained by multiplying a and b.

Let's say the original values of a and b are a₀ and b₀, respectively. After increasing both a and b by 10%, the new values become:

New a = a₀ + 0.1a₀ = 1.1a₀
New b = b₀ + 0.1b₀ = 1.1b₀

Substituting these new values into the equation for G, we get:

New G = (1.1a₀)(1.1b₀) = 1.21a₀b₀

Now, let's calculate the percentage increase in G. The percentage increase is given by:

(Change in G / Original G) * 100

The change in G can be calculated by subtracting the original G from the new G:

Change in G = New G - Original G = 1.21a₀b₀ - ab = a₀b₀(1.21 - 1) = a₀b₀ * 0.21

Therefore, the percentage increase in G is:

(Change in G / Original G) * 100 = (a₀b₀ * 0.21 / ab) * 100

Since G = ab, the terms containing a₀b₀ cancel out, and we are left with:

Percentage increase in G = 0.21 * 100 = 21%

Hence, the percentage increase in G when both a and b increase by 10% is 21%.

it actually is clear.

Not clear

Not clear🤔🤔🤔🤔🙄🙄🙄😵😵🧐🧐