What would happen if too much refrigerent was present in the system(refrigerator)? Too little?

HELP!!! I'm doing a C^3 assignment for chem and its due tomorrow can someone help me please!

Go to google and type that question in. Too much refrigerant in refrigerator. Read what they say. Then too little refrigerant in refrigerator. Read what they say. I would look at more than one answer. You can't believe everything printed on the web.


I'd be happy to help you with your chemistry assignment! Let's start by discussing the effects of having too much refrigerant and too little refrigerant in a refrigerator system.

1. Too much refrigerant:
If there is an excessive amount of refrigerant in the system, it can cause several problems:
- The compressor might overheat and fail due to increased workload.
- The system's internal pressure may rise significantly, increasing the stress on the components.
- The cooling efficiency can decrease as the refrigerant does not undergo the appropriate phase changes or heat transfer properly.
- Refrigerant leaks can occur, causing potential environmental hazards.

2. Too little refrigerant:
Insufficient refrigerant can also lead to various issues:
- The compressor may struggle to maintain the required pressure levels, leading to inadequate cooling.
- The system's cooling capacity will be compromised, resulting in poor performance.
- The evaporator coil may freeze due to the reduced amount of refrigerant flowing through it.
- The refrigerator may run continuously, leading to increased energy consumption.
- The system's lifespan may be shortened as the compressor works harder to compensate for the lack of refrigerant.

Now, to complete your C^3 assignment, you can explain the concepts of refrigerant, how it works, and the consequences of having too much or too little refrigerant in a refrigerator system based on what we just discussed. Make sure to include any relevant equations or chemical processes involved.