I'm doing a short project on the progressive era... can someone give me at least 5 topics I could talk about in my project, from the progressive era?

You'll find a lot of ideas in these sites.





kk thx~! :D

You're welcome. :-)

Certainly! Here are five topics you could consider discussing in your project on the Progressive Era:

1. Social Reforms: Explore the various social reform movements that emerged during the Progressive Era, such as temperance, women's suffrage, labor rights, and civil rights for African Americans. Highlight key individuals and organizations involved in these movements.

2. Political Reforms: Discuss the efforts to tackle political corruption and increase government transparency. Topics to consider include the rise of the direct primary system, the introduction of the secret ballot, the adoption of the Seventeenth Amendment, and the creation of the Federal Reserve System.

3. Trust-Busting and Antitrust Acts: Examine the actions taken against monopolies and the advent of trust-busting during the Progressive Era. Focus on the significant antitrust cases and legislation, including the Sherman Antitrust Act and the breakup of monopolies such as Standard Oil and the American Tobacco Company.

4. Conservation and Environmentalism: Investigate the rise of the conservation movement and the efforts to protect the nation's natural resources and wildlife during this period. Discuss influential figures like Theodore Roosevelt and their role in establishing national parks, wildlife refuges, and conservation policies.

5. Educational Reforms: Highlight the importance of education during the Progressive Era and the changes made to educational systems. Discuss the introduction of compulsory education, the establishment of kindergartens, and the reforms aimed at improving public schools and teacher training.

To gather more in-depth information on these topics and for additional ideas, I recommend consulting a variety of sources such as books, articles, and reputable websites focused on U.S. history, particularly the Progressive Era.