Read the following short excerpt of student writing. Use your vocabulary and grammar knowledge to determine which suggestions you would make to improve his or her grammar and word choice.

I really thought she loved me but I discovered her grave betrayal one afternoon. It was easy to figure out because she accidentally sent a text to me that was meant for him. I was confused by the text because it said, "Don't tell Mike." I felt insulted that she thought she could get away with this infidelity. At first I felt very angry bitter and hateful but then, I felt so hopeless and depressed. I longed for her to call me. I thought if I could just hear her pleasing voice, maybe then I would not be filled with such bitterness. Instead of calling her I talked to another friend who is good at listening and feeling my pain. Talking with her makes me feel euphoric. I think I may be on the road to recovery.

Which punctuation correction would improve the following sentence?

At first I felt very angry bitter and hateful but then I felt so hopeless and depressed. I longed for her to call me.

A. Insert a comma after "first."

B. Remove the period after "depressed" and insert a comma.

C. Insert commas after "angry," "bitter," and "hateful."

D. Insert a comma after "then."

Read #1.

It's C, I got the answer right on the quiz

C. Insert commas after "angry," "bitter," and "hateful."

The correct answer is C. Insert commas after "angry," "bitter," and "hateful."

In the given sentence, the author is describing their feelings, using a series of adjectives. When multiple adjectives are used to modify the same noun, it is important to separate them with commas to create clarity and avoid confusion.

Therefore, the corrected sentence would read:

"At first, I felt very angry, bitter, and hateful, but then I felt so hopeless and depressed."