1. State the reason why some drugs are considered drugs of abuse.

A: Some drugs are considered drugs of abuse because these drugs, which possess mind-altering effects that have no medical purposes, can lead to changes in structure and function of the brain which can gradually led to permanent changes in behavior and serious long-term health problems.

2. 9. Identify the best method for a doctor to give a medicine to a patient if the medicine is required to act very quickly.

A: The greatest method for a doctor to give a medicine to a patient if the medicine is required to act very quickly is injection. By injecting the patient with the medicine, it will flow directly into his or her veins, or blood stream, enabling it to act very quickly and effectively.

*Correction: 2. Identify the best method for a doctor to give a medicine to a patient if the medicine is required to act very quickly. Explain your answer.

Also, distinguish the active ingredient from other ingredients in medicines.

A: The active ingredient is the chemical component that gives a medicine its action?


To state the reason why some drugs are considered drugs of abuse, we need to understand that drugs of abuse are substances that people use recreationally to achieve a desired effect, rather than for medical purposes. They are often associated with a high potential for addiction and harmful consequences.

To get this answer, we can start by gathering information about the characteristics of drugs of abuse. These drugs typically have mind-altering effects, meaning they can change a person's mood, perception, or consciousness. They can induce feelings of euphoria, relaxation, or stimulation, which can sometimes lead to addiction.

Next, we need to understand why these drugs are considered harmful. The reason is that they can cause changes in the structure and function of the brain. Drug use affects the brain's reward system, which controls feelings of pleasure and reinforces certain behaviors. Prolonged drug use can alter the brain's chemistry, making it difficult for individuals to experience pleasure from natural rewards and increasing the likelihood of continued drug use.

Furthermore, drugs of abuse can have serious long-term health effects. Their frequent use can lead to physical and psychological dependence, impair cognitive functions, and damage vital organs such as the liver, heart, and lungs. Additionally, some drugs can increase the risk of infectious diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis, due to unsafe injection practices or risky behaviors associated with drug use.

In summary, drugs are considered drugs of abuse because they can have mind-altering effects, cause changes in the brain, and lead to severe health consequences. It is essential to raise awareness about the potential dangers of drug abuse and promote education on prevention and treatment strategies.

Moving on to the second question, to identify the best method for a doctor to give a medicine to a patient if the medicine is required to act very quickly, we need to consider how different administration routes affect the drug's speed of action.

The fastest way to administer a medicine and achieve rapid effects is through injection. When a doctor injects a medicine directly into a patient's veins (intravenous injection) or muscle (intramuscular injection), the drug bypasses the digestive system and goes directly into the bloodstream. This allows for quick dispersion throughout the body and immediate action on the target tissues or organs.

Compared to oral medication, which needs time to be absorbed through the digestive system and then metabolized in the liver, injection provides a more direct and efficient delivery. This method is commonly used in emergency situations or when immediate relief or intervention is necessary.

In conclusion, if a medicine needs to act very quickly, the best method for a doctor to administer it is through injection. However, it is important to consider that not all medications can be given via injection, and the method of administration should always be based on the specific characteristics of the medication and the patient's condition.