Suppose a mixture containing 3.52 g H2 and 37.0 g NO has a total pressure of 2.21 atm. What are the partial pressures of both gases in the mixture?

mols H2 = grams/molar mass = ?

mols NO = grams/molar mass = ?
total mols = mols H2 + mols NO

XH2 = nH2/total mols
XNO = nNO/total mols

pH2 = XH2*Ptotal
pNO = XNO*Ptotal

thank you

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of the mole ratio.

1. Convert the given masses of H2 and NO to moles using their respective molar masses:
- The molar mass of H2 is 2 g/mol, so the number of moles of H2 is 3.52 g / 2 g/mol = 1.76 mol.
- The molar mass of NO is 30 g/mol, so the number of moles of NO is 37.0 g / 30 g/mol = 1.23 mol.

2. Determine the mole ratio of H2 to NO. Since 1 mol of H2 reacts with 2 mol of NO according to the balanced chemical equation, the mole ratio is 1.76 mol H2 / 2 mol NO = 0.88 mol H2 / mol NO.

3. Calculate the partial pressures of each gas based on their mole ratios.
- The partial pressure of H2 is the mole ratio of H2 to the total number of moles multiplied by the total pressure:
Partial pressure of H2 = (0.88 mol H2 / mol NO) * (2.21 atm) = 1.94 atm.

- The partial pressure of NO is the mole ratio of NO to the total number of moles multiplied by the total pressure:
Partial pressure of NO = (1 mol NO / mol NO) * (2.21 atm) = 2.21 atm.

Therefore, the partial pressure of H2 in the mixture is 1.94 atm, and the partial pressure of NO is 2.21 atm.

To find the partial pressures of the gases in the mixture, we'll use Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures. According to this law, the total pressure exerted by a mixture of non-reacting gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each gas.

The partial pressure of a gas can be calculated using the formula: Partial Pressure = (Mole Fraction) x (Total Pressure)

To determine the mole fraction of each gas in the mixture, we'll need to calculate the number of moles of each gas present.

To find the number of moles of a gas, we'll use the formula: Moles = Mass / Molar mass

The molar mass of hydrogen gas (H2) is 2.02 g/mol, and the molar mass of nitric oxide (NO) is 30.01 g/mol.

Calculating the moles of hydrogen gas:
Moles of H2 = 3.52 g / 2.02 g/mol = 1.74 mol

Calculating the moles of nitric oxide:
Moles of NO = 37.0 g / 30.01 g/mol = 1.233 mol

Next, we'll calculate the mole fractions of each gas:
Mole fraction of H2 = Moles of H2 / Total moles
Mole fraction of H2 = 1.74 mol / (1.74 mol + 1.233 mol) = 0.585

Mole fraction of NO = Moles of NO / Total moles
Mole fraction of NO = 1.233 mol / (1.74 mol + 1.233 mol) = 0.415

Finally, we'll calculate the partial pressure of each gas using the mole fractions and the total pressure:
Partial pressure of H2 = Mole fraction of H2 x Total pressure
Partial pressure of H2 = 0.585 x 2.21 atm = 1.29285 atm (approximately 1.29 atm)

Partial pressure of NO = Mole fraction of NO x Total pressure
Partial pressure of NO = 0.415 x 2.21 atm = 0.91515 atm (approximately 0.92 atm)

Therefore, the partial pressure of hydrogen gas is approximately 1.29 atm, and the partial pressure of nitric oxide is approximately 0.92 atm.