1.List a physical, mental and emotional, and social benefit of physical activity.

Reduces stress,lowers blood pressure

Sure! Here are three categories of benefits of physical activity:

1. Physical Benefit: Physical activity provides numerous physical benefits, such as improved cardiovascular health, increased muscle strength and endurance, and enhanced flexibility. To list a specific physical benefit, let's say improved cardiovascular health. This includes a stronger heart, lower blood pressure, and improved circulation.

To obtain information about physical benefits of physical activity, you can refer to reliable sources such as health and fitness websites, academic journals, or consult with health professionals like doctors, physical therapists, or personal trainers.

2. Mental and Emotional Benefit: Engaging in regular physical activity also has positive effects on mental and emotional well-being. It can reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, as well as improving overall mood and promoting better sleep. Let's highlight the ability of physical activity to reduce symptoms of depression as an example.

To find information on the mental and emotional benefits, access reputable sources focusing on mental health and exercise, such as psychology websites, scientific studies, or consult mental health professionals like psychologists or therapists.

3. Social Benefit: Physical activity can also offer social benefits by fostering social interaction and creating opportunities for community engagement and connection. This includes participating in team sports, group fitness classes, or joining recreational clubs. One example of a social benefit is the opportunity to build friendships and create a support network.

To learn more about the social benefits, seek information from community centers, sports organizations, or articles and studies on the positive social impacts of physical activity.

Remember, it's always essential to verify the credibility of the sources you refer to, and consult with professionals when necessary.