
Drunkards and prostitutes inspired Whitman's poetry.

True. Walt Whitman was known for drawing inspiration from various aspects of life, including the experiences of drunkards and prostitutes. He believed in capturing the essence of everyday life and exploring the human condition in all its forms, which led him to seek inspiration from a wide range of people and situations.


Explanation: Walt Whitman, an American poet from the 19th century, was known for his unconventional and bold writing style. He drew inspiration from various aspects of life, which included the experiences of those on the fringes of society, such as drunkards and prostitutes. Whitman aimed to give voice to all aspects of humanity, often celebrating the beauty and individuality found in unconventional places. His collection of poetry, "Leaves of Grass," explored diverse themes and perspectives. The influence of drunkards and prostitutes on his work is evident in some of his poems, where he offers a compassionate and humanizing portrayal of these marginalized figures.

It is true!

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