-2 |h-7|= -28

You have two cases:

h-7 >=0, where |h-7| = h-7
h-7 < 0, where |h-7| = -(h-7)

case 1: h-7 >= 0 (h >= 7)
-2(h-7) = -28
h-7 = 14
h = 21
Since 21 >= 7, it's a solution

Case 2: h-7 < 0 (h < 7)
-2(-(h-7)) = -28
2h-14 = -28
2h = -14
h = -7
Since -7 < 7, it's a solution

So, h=-7,21

Another way to look at it is to say
-2|h-7| = -28
|h-7| = 14
That means that h has to be at a distance of 14 from 7, either above or below. So, h = -7 or 21

To solve the equation |-2|h-7|= -28, we need to isolate the absolute value expression and then consider two cases.

Case 1: (h-7) is positive or zero
Since the absolute value of any non-negative number is the number itself, we can rewrite the equation as -2(h-7) = -28.

Distributing -2 to both terms inside the parentheses, we get -2h + 14 = -28.

Now, isolate the variable by subtracting 14 from both sides: -2h = -42.

Dividing both sides of the equation by -2, we find that h = 21.

So, when (h-7) is positive or zero, the solution is h = 21.

Case 2: (h-7) is negative
When (h-7) is negative, the absolute value turns it into a positive value. Thus, we can rewrite the equation as -2(-h+7) = -28.

Simplifying the equation by distributing -2, we have 2h - 14 = -28.

Move -14 to the right side of the equation by adding 14 to both sides: 2h = -14.

Dividing both sides by 2, we find that h = -7.

So, when (h-7) is negative, the solution is h = -7.

In conclusion, the equation |-2|h-7|= -28 has two possible solutions: h = 21 and h = -7.