1. Explain the relationship between the key terms in each of the following pairs.

a. wake and memorial service
b. distress and eustress

a. A wake and memorial service are both ceremonies in which enable family and friends to unite and gives them an opportunity to mourn for the loss of their loved one.
b. Both distress and eustress are forms of stress. However, eustress is positive stress that energizes one and helps one achieve a goal, whereas distress is negative stress that can make a person become ill or keep a person from reaching a goal.

2. What is the difference between a biological stressor and and an environmental stressor?

A: Environmental stressors are conditions or events in your physical environment that causes you stress, whereas biological stressors are conditions that make it difficult your body to take part in daily activities.

3. Describe how the fight-or-flight response can help you respond to a threatening situation.

A: The fight-or-flight response can help you respond to a threatening situation by providing your body with energy, reflexes, and strength you may need to respond to the stressor.

4. Explain how exercise can help you deal with stress.

A: Exercise can help you deal with stress as it releases the tension within your body, especially your muscles, caused by stress?

5. Explain how breathing deeply can help you deal with stress.

A: Deep breathing can help you deal with stress as it is a technique to enable to relax?

6. Explain how self-talk can help you deal with a stressor.

A: Using positive self-talk can help you deal with a stressor as it can cause you to become optimistic. Therefore, having a positive attitude about the outcome of potentially stressful events can eliminate a large amount of stress.

Good answers!

like actually what is this post

^XD im done

To explain how to find the answers to the questions:

1. To understand the relationship between wake and memorial service, you can research and study funeral customs and traditions. Look for resources such as articles, books, or websites that explain the purpose and significance of wakes and memorial services.

For distress and eustress, it is beneficial to learn about the concept of stress and its different types. Research about distress and eustress, their effects on the body and mind, and examples of each. You can utilize sources like psychology textbooks, scientific articles, or reputable websites for this information.

2. To grasp the difference between biological stressors and environmental stressors, it is helpful to study the concept of stress and its causes. Research the various factors that can cause stress, including those that originate from the environment and those that arise from biological or physiological factors. Look for sources such as psychology or biology textbooks, scientific journals, or websites that explain the distinctions between these types of stressors.

3. To understand how the fight-or-flight response aids in responding to a threatening situation, study the physiological and psychological responses associated with this response. Research how the body reacts to stress and threats, how hormones like adrenaline are released, and how they help prepare the body for action. You can refer to sources such as psychology or physiology textbooks, scientific articles, or reliable websites for this information.

4. To explain how exercise helps in dealing with stress, research the benefits of physical activity on stress management. Look for information about how exercise impacts the release of endorphins, reduces levels of stress hormones like cortisol, and improves overall mental well-being. Consult sources such as exercise physiology textbooks, scientific studies, or reputable health and wellness websites for this information.

5. To explain how deep breathing helps in dealing with stress, explore the connection between breathing and relaxation. Research different breathing techniques like diaphragmatic breathing, abdominal breathing, or box breathing, and how they activate the body's relaxation response. Look for sources such as mindfulness or stress management resources, yoga or meditation guides, or reputable health websites for guidance on deep breathing techniques.

6. To explain how self-talk helps in dealing with a stressor, study the concept of cognitive-behavioral techniques and strategies for stress management. Research how self-talk affects thoughts and emotions, and how positive self-talk can reframe stressful situations and promote resilience. Consult sources such as cognitive-behavioral therapy guides, self-help books on stress management, or reputable psychology websites for information on using self-talk as a stress coping mechanism.