Which one of the following would be the best example of two ancient civilizations interacting with each other?

A) Jericho trading with Ur

B) Catal Huyuk trading with Constantinople

C) Jerusalem trading with Tenochtitlan

D) Phoenicians trading with Egyptians


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To determine the best example of two ancient civilizations interacting with each other, we need to examine each option and evaluate the historical context.

A) Jericho trading with Ur: Jericho and Ur were both ancient cities in the Near East during different time periods. Jericho, located in modern-day West Bank, existed during the Neolithic era around 8000 BCE. Ur, situated in what is now Iraq, thrived during the Sumerian civilization in the third millennium BCE. Since Jericho predates Ur by several thousand years, it is unlikely that they directly interacted.

B) Catal Huyuk trading with Constantinople: Catal Huyuk is an ancient settlement in present-day Turkey that flourished around 7000 BCE. Constantinople, on the other hand, was a significant city during the Byzantine Empire, starting in the 4th century CE. Since there is a vast chronological gap of several thousand years between the two civilizations, they could not have interacted with each other.

C) Jerusalem trading with Tenochtitlan: Jerusalem is an ancient city in the Middle East, while Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec Empire in present-day Mexico. The existence of Jerusalem dates back thousands of years, while Tenochtitlan thrived between the 14th and 16th centuries CE. The significant chronological and geographical distances between these two civilizations make direct interaction unlikely.

D) Phoenicians trading with Egyptians: The Phoenicians, a maritime trading civilization, inhabited a region that is now Lebanon, Syria, and northern Israel from approximately 1500 BCE to 300 BCE. The Egyptians, known for their advanced civilization, ruled the Nile Valley in northeastern Africa for several millennia. There is historical evidence that the Phoenicians and Egyptians had extensive trade relationships during the New Kingdom period (16th to 11th century BCE), particularly involving the exchange of goods such as wood, metals, and textiles.

Based on the evaluations above, the best example of two ancient civilizations interacting with each other is D) Phoenicians trading with Egyptians.