1). Why do you think people often do not consider online sexual harassment a real from of abuse?

A: I believe people do not consider online sexual harassment as a true form of abuse because, technically, it isn't physically occurring them.

2). What qualities does the Internet have that make it particularly attractive to sexual predators?

A: ?

3). Adolescents are frequent targets of online predators, who know that teens are often reluctant to report online harassment to adults. What are some reasons teens might not want to talk about online abuse?

A: ?

4). List ways you can avoid online sexual harassment.

A: ?

2. The qualities that the Internet possesses in which attracts sexual predators is that these predators can remain anonymous upon the Internet which enables them to harass people without difficulties or the threat of being exposed and punished by the law.

3. I don't know.

4. You can avoid online sexual harassment by not speaking with strangers nor with people who do not respect you online. You can evade online sexual harassment by avoiding websites with unrestricted chat?

Thank you.

what are 3 ways that violence affects the health of people

. What qualities does the Internet have that make it particularly attractive to sexual predators?

what doe that mean

2) The Internet has several qualities that make it attractive to sexual predators. One major factor is the virtual anonymity it provides. Predators can create fake profiles and operate under false identities, making it easier for them to approach potential victims. Additionally, the vast reach of the Internet allows predators to target victims from anywhere in the world. The accessibility and convenience of the online world also provide predators with a wide pool of potential victims to choose from.

3) There are several reasons why teens might not want to talk about online abuse. Firstly, there can be a fear of judgment or blame from adults, as teens may worry that they will be scolded for their online behavior or perceived as irresponsible. They may also fear the potential consequences of reporting the abuse, such as their parents restricting their Internet access or being publicly humiliated. Additionally, teens might feel embarrassed, ashamed, or guilty about their participation in certain online activities, making them hesitant to disclose what they have experienced.

4) There are several ways to avoid online sexual harassment:
- Be cautious with sensitive information: Avoid sharing personal details such as your full name, address, phone number, or school information online.
- Set privacy settings: Adjust your privacy settings on social media platforms to limit who can see your posts and personal information.
- Be mindful of the content you share: Think before posting or sending any compromising photos or explicit messages. Once something is online, it can be difficult to remove entirely.
- Trust your instincts: If something or someone online makes you uncomfortable, trust your gut feeling and distance yourself from that situation.
- Report and block: If you encounter any form of sexual harassment online, report it to the platform or website administrators. Additionally, block the person responsible to prevent further contact.
- Educate yourself: Stay informed about online safety practices and continually update your knowledge on the latest online threats. Attend workshops or seminars focused on internet safety.
- Talk to someone: If you face online sexual harassment, confide in a trusted adult or seek support from a helpline, counselor, or school official. Keeping the issue to yourself can increase emotional stress and make it more difficult to address the problem effectively.

2. People can be anonymous on the internet.

3. What do you think? You're a teen.

4. What do you think?

3. The teens may think they had been at fault in attracting online abuse.

Your answers are correct.

You're welcome.