Armando's coach is going to be late for soccer practice. As the team captain, it is Armando's responsibility to lead the teams for their warm-up activities. To prepare his team, Armando should direct his team to do which of the following?

a. jog around the field, specific body stretches done slowly, full speed passing drills with a partner.
b. full speed passing drills with a partner, jog around the field, specific body stretches done slowly.
c. specific body stretches done slowly, full speed passing drills with a partner, jog around the field.
d. the order is not important as long as the activities are completed.


It was actually A. Thank you anyway.

bro what

the answer is A

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the sequence of warm-up activities that are beneficial for soccer players. To start, it is common for players to begin with a light jog around the field. This helps increase heart rate, warm up muscles, and prepare the body for more intense activities.

Next, specific body stretches done slowly are encouraged to increase flexibility and reduce the risk of injury. This could include stretches for the legs, arms, and core muscles.

Finally, full speed passing drills with a partner help improve coordination, communication, and ball control.

Now let's go over the options:

Option a: jogging around the field is correctly placed at the beginning, but the order of the other activities is incorrect.

Option b: the sequence is incorrect as full-speed passing drills are done before the body stretches.

Option c: the sequence is correct, starting with specific body stretches, followed by full-speed passing drills, and ending with a jog around the field.

Option d: although completing all the activities is important, the order can affect the effectiveness of the warm-up.

Considering the explanations above, the correct answer is option c: specific body stretches done slowly, full speed passing drills with a partner, jog around the field.

Not A.

Which of those (B or C) increases the speed and heartbeats of those warming up? Which one starts with slow activities and ends with something faster?