ln sqrt(x-8)= 5

I would like help to solve this what i did was to take away the square root i squared both sides coming up with

(ln sqrt(x-8))^2= (5)^2


am i alowed to do this with ln in the equation?

then i subtract 8 from both sides

ln x = 17

e^(ln x)= e^17
e cancels out ln leaving with

this is not right the real answer is
x = 8 + e^10 on math-way but how?


Not even close.

ln√(x-8) = 5
1/2 ln(x-8) = 5
ln(x-8) = 10
x-8 = e^10
x = 8+e^10

To solve the equation ln(sqrt(x-8)) = 5, you need to follow a few steps. Let's go through it:

Step 1: Remove the square root from both sides of the equation. To do this, you can square both sides of the equation:

(ln(sqrt(x-8)))^2 = 5^2

This simplifies to:

ln(x-8) = 25

It is perfectly fine to square both sides of the equation.

Step 2: Note that ln(x-8) = 25. Now, you need to convert the logarithmic equation into an exponential equation. Recall that ln(x) = y is equivalent to e^y = x. Applying this to our equation, we get:

e^25 = (x-8)

Step 3: Add 8 to both sides of the equation:

e^25 + 8 = x

Therefore, the solution to the equation ln(sqrt(x-8)) = 5 is x = e^25 + 8.

The answer you provided, x = 8 + e^10, may be incorrect. Make sure to double-check your calculations and steps to see if any errors were made.