tom bought a computer for 15% off from the list price of p dollars. if the sales tax was 8%, how much did he pay for the computer including sales tax?


total money paid is 0.918p

To find out how much Tom paid for the computer including sales tax, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount.
Discount Amount = (15/100) * p

Step 2: Calculate the price after the discount.
Price After Discount = p - Discount Amount

Step 3: Calculate the sales tax amount.
Sales Tax Amount = (8/100) * Price After Discount

Step 4: Calculate the final price Tom paid for the computer including sales tax.
Final Price = Price After Discount + Sales Tax Amount

So, the final price Tom paid for the computer including sales tax is Final Price.

To find out how much Tom paid for the computer including sales tax, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount
- Multiply the list price (p) by the discount rate of 15%. This will give us the amount Tom saved.
- The formula for calculating the discount amount is Discount = p * (15/100).

Step 2: Subtract the discount from the list price
- To calculate the sale price, subtract the discount amount from the list price.
- Sale Price = List Price - Discount.

Step 3: Calculate the sales tax
- Multiply the sale price by the sales tax rate of 8% to determine the tax amount.
- The formula for calculating sales tax is Sales Tax = Sale Price * (8/100).

Step 4: Add the sales tax amount to the sale price
- To find the total amount Tom paid, add the sales tax amount to the sale price.
- Total Amount Paid = Sale Price + Sales Tax.

By following these steps, you can determine how much Tom paid for the computer, including sales tax.