How do i write (x+ y /(z^2 + 3) )-xy as a polish notation ?

To write the expression (x + y /(z^2 + 3)) - xy in polish notation, you need to convert it into an expression where the operators precede their operands. Follow these steps:

1. Rewrite the expression without the subtrahend:
(x + y /(z^2 + 3))

2. Place the operators before their respective operands:
- + x / y + z ^ 2 3

Here's the explanation of the conversion:

1. Start by removing the parentheses, keeping in mind the order of operations: parentheses, exponents, multiplication/division, and addition/subtraction.

2. For the division operation, write the operator ("/") before the dividend (y) and divisor (z^2 + 3).

3. Rewrite the expression without the parentheses:
x + y / z^2 + 3

4. Now, move the plus sign to the beginning, followed by the operands:
+ x / y + z ^ 2 3

5. Finally, include the subtraction operation:
- + x / y + z ^ 2 3

This is the polish notation representation of the expression (x + y /(z^2 + 3)) - xy.