XeO3 + I- ----> Xe + I2 (acidic solution)

CN)2 -----> CN- + OCN- (basic solution)

MnO2 + SO32- ---> Mn2+ + S2O62- (acidic solution)

H2SeO3 + H2S -----> S + Se (acidic solution)

Cl2 ---> Cl- + ClO3- (basic solution)

ClNO2 -----> NO3- + Cl- (acidic solution)

Here is a site that shows many things about redox equation including how to balance them. This process is learned best by doing them yourself. I'll be glad t answer specific questions if you post them.


To determine whether a solution is acidic or basic, you need to identify if there are any H+ (hydrogen ions) or OH- (hydroxide ions) present in the balanced chemical equation.

In the given chemical equations:

1. XeO3 + I- ----> Xe + I2 (acidic solution)
This equation does not contain any H+ or OH- ions. Therefore, it is presumed to be in an acidic solution.

2. CN)2 -----> CN- + OCN- (basic solution)
This equation does not contain any H+ or OH- ions. Therefore, it is presumed to be in a basic solution.

3. MnO2 + SO32- ---> Mn2+ + S2O62- (acidic solution)
This equation does not contain any H+ or OH- ions initially. However, since MnO2 can react with the water in the solution to form MnO4- and H+, this reaction is presumed to occur in an acidic solution.

4. H2SeO3 + H2S -----> S + Se (acidic solution)
Since H2SeO3 contains H+ ions and H2S contains S2- ions, this reaction is presumed to occur in an acidic solution.

5. Cl2 ---> Cl- + ClO3- (basic solution)
This equation does not contain any H+ or OH- ions. Therefore, it is presumed to be in a basic solution.

6. ClNO2 -----> NO3- + Cl- (acidic solution)
Since ClNO2 contains Cl- ions, this reaction is presumed to occur in an acidic solution.

In summary, equations 1, 4, 6 are presumed to occur in an acidic solution, equations 2 and 5 are presumed to occur in a basic solution, and equation 3 is presumed to occur in an acidic solution due to the presence of H+ ions produced by MnO2.