2. Which of the following sentences contains a verb in the future tense?

A. She really should begin to pack.
B. Jean's daughter has begun to drive.
C. They will take the dog to the park with them.
D. By that time, he will have been gone for three days.

I picked c, because will take is the future tense. Is that correct?

6. In the sentence "Mary caught a frog," the common noun serves as

A. both subject and object.
B. the predicate of the sentence.
C. the object of the sentence.
D. the subject of the sentence.

I picked C, because Mary is a proper noun, the frog is a common noun and the frog is the object of the sentence, since Mary caught the frog. Is my reasoning sound?

Yes, you're right about both! =)


In the sentence "Mary caught a frog," the common noun serves as

A. both subject and object.
B. the subject of the sentence.
C. the object of the sentence.
D. the predicate of the sentence.

For question 2, your reasoning is correct. Sentence C, "They will take the dog to the park with them," contains a verb in the future tense. The verb "will take" indicates a future action. So, your answer is correct.

For question 6, your reasoning is partially correct. In the sentence "Mary caught a frog," the common noun "frog" does serve as the object of the sentence. However, "Mary" is the subject of the sentence because she is the one performing the action of catching the frog. So, the correct answer is D, "the subject of the sentence." Mary is a proper noun, but the question asks about the function of the common noun "frog" in the sentence.