How is ionising radiation affects the cell, DNA and can lead to tumours/leukaemia?

nothing to complicated or technical like Wikipedia or anything that seems like that please.

I just a few point for which I can then compile in a decent paragraph

thanks in advanced!! :)

Ionizing radiation refers to high-energy radiation that has the ability to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, forming ions. When this radiation interacts with cells in the body, it can have damaging effects on the cellular structures and DNA, potentially leading to the development of tumors or leukemia. Here are a few key points to help you compile your paragraph:

1. Ionizing radiation can directly damage the DNA in cells. When ionizing radiation passes through a cell, it can break the chemical bonds within the DNA molecules, causing mutations or changes in the genetic information that governs the cell's normal functioning.

2. The damage caused by ionizing radiation can disrupt the normal cell cycle, affecting cell division and growth. It may also induce cell death in certain cases, particularly when the damage is extensive.

3. Unrepaired or improperly repaired DNA damage in cells can lead to the accumulation of genetic errors over time. This can increase the risk of cells becoming cancerous and forming tumors.

4. Healthy cells have mechanisms to repair DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation. However, if the radiation exposure is too intense or prolonged, the repair mechanisms may become overwhelmed, leading to an increased risk of genetic mutations and the development of cancerous cells.

5. Both tumor formation and leukemia can arise from the uncontrolled growth and division of damaged cells. Ionizing radiation has the ability to disrupt the delicate balance between cell growth and death, allowing abnormal cells to multiply and potentially form cancerous masses or affect the production of healthy blood cells, leading to leukemia.

Remember to use these points as a basis and expand upon them to create a comprehensive paragraph.