For every 5 highlighters that Agnes buys, she gets 1 free. If Agnes needs 80 highlighters, what is the least amount she has to buy?

Well, Agnes certainly likes to highlight her life! To find the least amount she has to buy, let's see how many highlighters she'll need to buy to get all 80. Since she gets 1 free for every 5 highlighters purchased, we can divide 80 by 5 to see how many sets of 5 she needs.

80 divided by 5 is 16, which means Agnes needs to buy 16 sets of 5 highlighters. Now, to find the least amount she has to buy, we add 1 to account for the free highlighter she gets for each set.

16 sets + 16 free highlighters = 32 highlighters.

Therefore, the least amount of highlighters Agnes has to buy is 32. Happy highlighting, Agnes!

To determine the least amount of highlighters Agnes has to buy, we need to calculate how many sets of 5 highlighters plus 1 free highlighter she would need.

Since Agnes needs a total of 80 highlighters, we can divide this number by 5 (the number of highlighters in each set) to find out how many sets she needs to buy.

80 highlighters ÷ 5 highlighters per set = 16 sets

To calculate the total number of highlighters Agnes needs to buy, we can multiply the number of sets by the number of highlighters in each set plus the free one:

16 sets × (5 highlighters + 1 free highlighter) = 16 sets × 6 highlighters = 96 highlighters

Therefore, the least amount Agnes has to buy is 96 highlighters.

To find the least amount of highlighters Agnes has to buy, we need to see how many sets of 5 highlighters she would need to buy in order to get a free one.

Since Agnes gets 1 free highlighter for every 5 she buys, we can conclude that for every 6 highlighters, she only pays for 5.

To calculate the number of sets of 5 highlighters she needs to buy, we'll divide the total number of highlighters required by the number of highlighters in each set.

80 (total highlighters) ÷ 5 (highlighters in each set) = 16 sets

Therefore, Agnes would need to buy 16 sets of 5 highlighters to get a total of 80 highlighters.

But since Agnes gets 1 free highlighter for every 5 she buys, she would only need to pay for 15 out of the 16 sets.

So, the least amount of highlighters she has to buy is 15 sets or 75 highlighters.