simplify the number using the imaginary unit i. √-16

√-16 = √16√-1 = 4i

thanks man

To simplify the number √-16 using the imaginary unit i, we can rewrite it as √(-1) * √16.

√(-1) represents the imaginary unit i, so we have i * √16.

Now, √16 equals 4 since the square root of 16 is 4, so we can further simplify the expression to:


Thus, √-16 simplifies to 4i.

To simplify the number √-16 using the imaginary unit "i," we will first express the given number as a product of a real number and the imaginary unit "i."

Step 1:
Start by factoring out the perfect square from the radicand.
√-16 = √(16 * -1)

Step 2:
Rearrange the factored form.
√(16 * -1) = √16 * √-1

Step 3:
Simplify the square root of 16.
√16 = 4

Step 4:
Since the square root of -1 cannot be expressed as a real number, we represent it using the imaginary unit "i."
√-1 = i

Step 5:
Combine the simplified real number and the imaginary unit.

Therefore, √-16 simplifies to 4i.