Felicia paid $125 to join tennis club. paid $5 every time she used the court

write an equation that describes Felicia's total cost for playing tennis as a function of the number of times she plays.
let c =the total cost and
let n = the number of times she plays.

Describe the domain and range of the function.

c = 125 + 5n

domain and range are presumably all integers >= 0.

There is probably a practical maximum, as well.


To write an equation that describes Felicia's total cost for playing tennis as a function of the number of times she plays, we can add the fixed cost of joining the tennis club ($125) to the variable cost of using the court ($5 per play).

The equation will be:
c = 125 + 5n

Here, c represents the total cost and n represents the number of times she plays.

Now let's describe the domain and range of the function:

Domain: The domain of a function represents all possible values for the independent variable. In this case, the number of times Felicia plays tennis (n) can take on any positive whole number (n > 0). Since she cannot play a negative or fractional number of times, the domain would be {1, 2, 3, 4, ...} or n ∈ N (the set of natural numbers).

Range: The range of a function represents all possible values for the dependent variable. In this case, the total cost (c) can take on any positive whole number (c > 0) because Felicia always incurs a cost when playing. Therefore, the range would be {125, 130, 135, 140, ...} or c ∈ N (the set of natural numbers) starting from 125.

In summary,
Domain: n ∈ N (n > 0)
Range: c ∈ N (c > 0) starting from 125