1. Which of the following is not a type of folktale? (1 point)

A. cautionary tale
B. mystery**
C. legend
D. myth

Read the following sentence:
Some friends from my dance class went to the museum's ballet exhibit.
Which of the following is an adjectival phrase?

A. went to the museum’s ballet exhibit**
B. the museum’s ballet exhibit
C. from my dance class
D. some friends

In the sentence below, which context clues help you understand the meaning of the word feud?

Although I asked them over and over again to stop their fighting, my brother and sister’s feud over which of the two had a right to our grandmother’s prized apple pie recipe continued for years.

A. continued for years and stop their fighting
B. over and over again and continued for years**
C. my brother and sister’s and stop their fighting
D. of the two had a right and over and over again

1. Right.

2. Wrong.

3. Wrong.

Well then lol could you help me?

is 3 A




Please check


1 and 3 are correct. Check the first link above for the answer to 2.

To answer the first question, "Which of the following is not a type of folktale?", you can simply identify the option that does not belong to the category. Here are the steps to find the answer:

1. Read and understand the question.
2. Identify the options: A. cautionary tale, B. mystery, C. legend, D. myth.
3. Determine the correct type of folktale. You can consider your knowledge or do a quick search about the different types of folktales.
4. Check each option against the types of folktales to find the one that doesn't belong.
5. The correct answer is B. mystery. This does not fit the category of traditional folktales like cautionary tales, legends, and myths.

Moving on to the second question, "Which of the following is an adjectival phrase?"

1. Read and understand the sentence.
2. Identify the phrases in the sentence: went to the museum’s ballet exhibit, the museum’s ballet exhibit, from my dance class, some friends.
3. Determine which phrase describes or modifies a noun (friends).

The correct answer is A. "went to the museum’s ballet exhibit" because it describes the action of the friends. It is an adjectival phrase.

Lastly, for the third question, "In the sentence below, which context clues help you understand the meaning of the word feud?"

1. Read and understand the sentence.
2. Identify the word "feud" and its surrounding words and phrases.
3. Look for clues that provide information about the meaning of "feud."
4. Analyze the options: A. continued for years and stop their fighting, B. over and over again and continued for years, C. my brother and sister’s and stop their fighting, D. of the two had a right and over and over again.
5. Determine which set of words provides the best context for understanding the meaning of "feud."
6. The correct answer is B. "over and over again and continued for years" as these words suggest a prolonged, ongoing conflict, which helps define the meaning of "feud."

By following these steps, you can find the correct answers to these questions and understand the reasoning behind them.