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Pedro and Alice raced two model trains along two straight tracks.
Pedro's train travelled 7.5 cm every minute. Alice's train travelled 7.5 cm every second.
How many centimeters had Alice's train travelled when Pedro's train had travelled 2.75 metres?

Thank You

Pedro's rate = 7.5 cm/min = 450 cm/s

time for Pedro's train to go 275 cm = 275/450 s
= 11/18 seconds

so in that time Alices slow train went
(11/18)(7.5) = 55/12 cm
or appr 4.58 cm

To find out how many centimeters Alice's train had traveled when Pedro's train had traveled 2.75 meters, we need to determine the time it takes for Pedro's train to travel 2.75 meters and then calculate how far Alice's train travels in that same time.

First, let's convert 2.75 meters to centimeters. Since there are 100 centimeters in one meter, 2.75 meters is equal to 2.75 * 100 = 275 centimeters.

Next, we can calculate the time it takes for Pedro's train to travel 275 centimeters. We know that Pedro's train travels 7.5 centimeters every minute. Therefore, we can use the formula: time = distance / speed.

So, the time it takes for Pedro's train to travel 275 centimeters is 275 / 7.5 = 36.67 minutes.

Now that we know the time it takes for Pedro's train to travel 2.75 meters, we can calculate how far Alice's train travels in the same time. We know that Alice's train travels 7.5 centimeters every second. Therefore, Alice's train travels 7.5 * 60 = 450 centimeters every minute.

So, when Pedro's train had traveled 2.75 meters (275 centimeters), Alice's train had traveled 450 * 36.67 = 16,502.5 centimeters.

Therefore, Alice's train had traveled 16,502.5 centimeters when Pedro's train had traveled 2.75 meters.