I am so close to finishing my homework and these are the last few questions I have left. I keep trying but the program says whatever I write is incorrect. Can someone help me please?

Rewrite the sentence with the direct object pronoun appropriate to replace the direct object.
1) Traiga el postre!
2) Estamos esperando al camarero (two ways of writing this)
3) Voy a llamar al camarero. ( two ways of writing this)

Fill in blank
1) Juan no esta aqui todavia. ____(Uds. Llamarlo) ahora.

Busque en el folleto los mandatos que corresponden a los siguientes infinitivos y escríbalos en el espacio indicado

dejarlas -

Perhaps Jesse Sánchez thought he was answering your questions, but it looks instead like more questions? In any event, Maura, let me answer your questions above.

The instructions to rewrite the sentence, replacing the direct object noun with the correct pronoun, means that THIS is what you need to do:
1. Tráigalo. It is a command and thus the object pronouns follow the verb form, are attached to it and therefore require a written accent mark. "el postre" is masculine singular, so the correct object pronoun is "lo."

2. The verb "esperar" means "to wait FOR" so a preposition is not needed. The 2 ways of writing this is to put the object pronoun before the verb and after the subject (l) or to add it to an infinitive or gerund (-ndo form), with a written accent mark if required. (l) LO estamos esperando. or (2) Estamos esperándolo.

3. This is similar to #2 in that the object pronoun goes before the verb form or after, attached, etc. (1) LO voy a llamar. or (2) Voy a llamárlo.

I'll flag this to come back later, in case you have any further questions.

As for the last #1 = Since you do not have the written accents, here is what the base sentence should say: Juan n o está aquí todavía. (then you are to write the command to "call him.") = Uds, llámenlo ahora.


I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

Thank you so much!

Rewrite the sentence with the direct object pronoun appropriate to replace the direct object.

1) Traiga el postre!
2) Estamos esperando al camarero A)Estamos esperando por el camarero B) Por el camarero estamos esperando.(two ways of writing this)
3) Voy a llamar al camarero. A)Llamare al camarero. B)Yo voy a llamar al camarero.( two ways of writing this)

Fill in blank
1) Juan no esta aqui todavia. _Pueden___(Uds. Llamarlo) ahora.

1) Bring it!

2) We are waiting for the waiter (him/her).

3) I am going to call the waiter (him/her).

Fill in the blank
1) Juan is not here yet. Call him now (you all).

Search in the brochure the commands that correspond to the following infinitives and write them in the indicated space:

dejarlas - Leave them (feminine).

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with your homework questions!

1) Traiga el postre!
To rewrite this sentence with the direct object pronoun appropriate to replace the direct object, you would use the direct object pronoun "lo." So, the sentence would be: "Tráigalo."

2) Estamos esperando al camarero
There are two ways to write this sentence using the direct object pronoun appropriate to replace the direct object. You can use "lo" or "al."
So, the two ways to rewrite the sentence are:
- "Estamos esperándolo." (using lo)
- "Estamos esperando al." (using al)

3) Voy a llamar al camarero
Similarly, there are two ways to write this sentence using the direct object pronoun appropriate to replace the direct object. You can use "lo" or "al."
So, the two ways to rewrite the sentence are:
- "Voy a llamarlo." (using lo)
- "Voy a llamar al." (using al)

Now, onto the next question:

Fill in the blank:
1) Juan no está aquí todavía. ____(Uds. Llamarlo) ahora.
To fill in the blank correctly, you need to conjugate the verb "llamar" in the second person plural ("Uds." form). The correct form would be "llámenlo". So the complete sentence would be: "Juan no está aquí todavía. Llámenlo ahora."

Lastly, you asked to search for the corresponding commands for the infinitive "dejarlas." However, in the question, you did not provide any space to write down the corresponding commands. Please let me know if there is a specific space or format where you would like me to provide the answers.

I hope this helps you complete your homework! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.