LOOP, SPRING AND BEAD (14 points possible)

A bead of mass m slides without friction on a vertical hoop of radius R . The bead moves under the combined action of gravity and a spring, with spring constant k , attached to the bottom of the hoop. Assume that the equilibrium (relaxed) length of the spring is R. The bead is released from rest at θ = 0 with a non-zero but negligible speed to the right.

(a) What is the speed v of the bead when θ = 90∘ ? Express your answer in terms of m, R, k, and g.

(b) What is the magnitude of the force the hoop exerts on the bead when θ = 90∘ ? Express your answer in terms of m, R, k, and g.

sqrt(( (2*sqrt(2)-2)*k*R^2)/m+2*g*R)


anyone got all the questions????

To solve this problem, we can use the principles of conservation of mechanical energy and centripetal force.

First, let's consider the energy of the bead at two different points: when it is at the equilibrium position (θ = 0) and when it is at θ = 90∘.

(a) Speed of the bead when θ = 90∘:

1. At θ = 0 (equilibrium position):
At this point, the gravitational potential energy is at its maximum (mgh) and the spring potential energy is zero since the spring is in its equilibrium length. The kinetic energy is also zero since the bead is at rest.

2. At θ = 90∘:
At this point, the gravitational potential energy is zero since the bead is at the same height as the starting point. The spring potential energy is at its maximum, which is given by 1/2k(R - R)² = 0. The kinetic energy would be equal to the total energy at θ = 0 since energy is conserved.

Using the conservation of mechanical energy:

mgh + 0 + 0 = 0 + 0 + 1/2mv²

Since the gravitational potential energy at θ = 0 is mgh and it is zero at θ = 90∘:

mgh = 1/2mv²

We can solve for v:

v = sqrt(2gh)

(b) Magnitude of the force exerted by the hoop when θ = 90∘:

At θ = 90∘, the bead is moving in a circular path, so there must be a net inward force acting on it, providing the centripetal force. This inward force is provided by the combination of gravity and the hoop.

The centripetal force can be calculated using the equation:

F_c = mAw²

Where F_c is the centripetal force, m is the mass of the bead, A is the acceleration (in this case, it is g because the acceleration is due to gravity), and w is the angular velocity.

The angular velocity w can be determined using the relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity:

v = wR

Where v is the linear velocity of the bead and R is the radius of the hoop.

Substituting this into the centripetal force equation:

F_c = mg(wR)²/R = mgw²R

Since w is equal to v/R:

F_c = mg(v/R)²R = mv²/R

Therefore, the magnitude of the force exerted by the hoop when θ = 90∘ is mv²/R.

Remember to express the final answers in terms of m, R, k, and g.