what is the unit rate for 40.8 gallons in 8 containers?

awsome booty and french fries

40.8gal/8ctr = 5.1 gal/ctr

booty checks and french fries

To find the unit rate for 40.8 gallons in 8 containers, you need to divide the total gallons by the number of containers. Here's how you can find the unit rate step-by-step:

Step 1: Divide the total gallons by the number of containers:
40.8 gallons ÷ 8 containers = 5.1 gallons per container

Step 2: Simplify the decimal answer if needed, and express it as a fractional or whole number if possible:
5.1 gallons per container can be simplified to 5 1/10 gallons per container or 5.1 gallons per container.

Therefore, the unit rate for 40.8 gallons in 8 containers is 5.1 gallons per container.

40.8 gallons in 8 containers