1. Carol spends 17 hours in a 2 week period practicing her culniary skills. How many hours does she practice in 5 weeks?

42.5 hours


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Carol spends 17 hours in a 2 week period practicing her culniary skills. How many hours does she practice in 5 weeks?


joe mama

not funny caleb

To calculate how many hours Carol practices in 5 weeks, we first need to determine her rate of practice per week.

We know that Carol spends 17 hours practicing in a 2 week period. Therefore, in 1 week, she practices for 17 hours divided by 2, which is 8.5 hours.

To find the total hours of practice in 5 weeks, we multiply her rate per week by 5:
8.5 hours/week × 5 weeks = 42.5 hours.

Therefore, Carol practices for 42.5 hours in 5 weeks.