What role do vesicles play in processing the proteins in the Golgi Apparatus?

a. They create the proteins.(No)
b. They modify the proteins. (No)
c. They store the proteins. (Maybe)
d.They transport the proteins. (Maybe)

The correct answer is d. They transport the proteins.

Vesicles play a crucial role in the processing of proteins in the Golgi Apparatus. After proteins are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum, they are transported from the ER to the Golgi Apparatus by small transport vesicles. These transport vesicles bud off from the ER and carry the newly synthesized proteins to the cis face of the Golgi.

Once inside the Golgi Apparatus, the proteins undergo various modifications, such as glycosylation, phosphorylation, and proteolysis, to acquire their functional form. After the proteins are properly modified, they are packaged into new vesicles called secretory vesicles. These vesicles bud off from the trans face of the Golgi and carry the processed proteins to their final destinations within the cell or for secretion outside the cell.

Therefore, while vesicles do not create or modify proteins, their main role is to transport the proteins between different compartments of the cell, including in the processing of proteins in the Golgi Apparatus.