When he had travelled a few yards further he glanced at the card "indifferently". Surprised, he turned it over and looked again with interets. ("The Green Door")

Whenever you glance "indifferently" you show that you are not ..
a. clumsy
b. cautious
c. casual
d. intrigued

Answer: d. intrigued



To determine the answer, we need to understand the meaning of the word "indifferently" in the given context.

First, let's break down the sentence: "When he had travelled a few yards further he glanced at the card 'indifferently'." Here, the word "indifferently" describes how the person glanced at the card.

To find the meaning of "indifferently," we can look it up in a dictionary or a reliable online source. When we do that, we find that "indifferently" means without interest, concern, or enthusiasm.

Now that we know the meaning, we can determine the opposite of glancing "indifferently." Since 'indifferently' means without interest, the opposite would be showing interest. Therefore, the answer is d. intrigued.