Suppose you are moving left (negative) with a velocity of -10 m/s? What happens to your speed if you have a negative acceleration? Do you speed up or slow down?

Ignore this question I got it :)


To determine what happens to your speed when you have a negative acceleration, we need to understand how velocity and acceleration are related.

Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both magnitude (speed) and direction. In this case, you are moving left with a velocity of -10 m/s, indicating a speed of 10 m/s in the opposite direction.

Acceleration, on the other hand, also has a magnitude and direction. If the acceleration is negative, it means it acts in the opposite direction of your velocity.

Now, when the velocity and acceleration have opposite signs, they work against each other. In this scenario, your velocity is negative (-10 m/s), and if the acceleration is also negative, it means it is acting in the same direction as your velocity.

When the velocity and acceleration have the same sign, they add up, resulting in an increase in speed. In this case, since both are negative, they oppose each other, and the magnitude of your velocity decreases over time. In other words, you would slow down.

So, having a negative acceleration while moving left with a velocity of -10 m/s will slow you down.