
49^2+112r+64 =

49^2+112r+64 = ___

First take care of the exponents:

Add like terms:
2401+64= 2465

2465 + 112r is your answer.

Since it said to factor, I suspected that there was a typo, I am pretty sure you meant

49t^2 + 12t + 64

= (7t + 8)(7t+8) or (7t+8)^2

Wouldn't you know it?

I complain about a typo, and then do one myself,
should have been

49t^2 + 112t + 64

= (7t + 8)(7t+8) or (7t+8)^2

To factor the expression 49^2 + 112r + 64, we can use the factoring technique called "perfect square trinomial."

A perfect square trinomial has the form (a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2.

In this case, the expression has the form of a perfect square trinomial: (7^2)^2 + 2(7^2)(r) + (8)^2.

Now, we can rewrite the expression using this form:

(7^2)^2 + 2(7^2)(r) + (8)^2
= (7^2 + 8)^2

Therefore, the factored form of the expression 49^2 + 112r + 64 is (7^2 + 8)^2.