Approximately how many miles separate Moscow and Khabarovsk?

I found three different distances between these two cities. I think these are the differences between traveling as the crow flies, distance by train, and distance by plane. Here's the distance that's between the two extremes.

You can also use the mileage scale on this map. Not that Khabarovsk is near the Pacific Ocean in Russia's far east.

Moscow and Khabarovsk are approximately 5,040 miles apart.

To find out the approximate distance between Moscow and Khabarovsk, you can use online mapping or distance calculation tools. One popular option is Google Maps.

Here's how to find the distance on Google Maps:

1. Go to the Google Maps website ( or open the Google Maps app on your mobile device.
2. In the search bar, type "Moscow" and select the correct result that shows Moscow, Russia.
3. Similarly, type "Khabarovsk" in the search bar and select the correct result that shows Khabarovsk, Russia.
4. Once both locations are selected, you will see the map display the route between Moscow and Khabarovsk with a highlighted line.
5. On the left side of the screen, you will find additional information, including the travel distance in either kilometers or miles, depending on your settings.

Please note that the distance may vary slightly based on the specific route taken and any detours, so it is always a good idea to consider the result as an approximate figure.