what are some arrays that add up to 24 are at least 2 high but no taller than 8 high?

To find arrays that add up to 24 and are at least 2 high but no taller than 8 high, you can use a combination of loops and conditional statements. Here's an example in Python:

# Define the target sum and the minimum and maximum array height
target_sum = 24
min_height = 2
max_height = 8

# Initialize an empty list to store the valid arrays
valid_arrays = []

# Iterate through possible array heights
for height in range(min_height, max_height + 1):
# Iterate through all possible combinations of numbers in the array
for i in range(1, target_sum + 1):
for j in range(1, target_sum + 1):
if i + j == target_sum:
# If the sum of the two numbers equals the target sum, add the array to the valid_arrays list
valid_arrays.append([i] * height + [j] * height)

# Print the valid arrays
for array in valid_arrays:

This code will generate all arrays within the specified height range that add up to 24. It uses nested loops to iterate through possible combinations of numbers and checks if their sum equals the target sum. The valid arrays are then stored in the `valid_arrays` list and printed out. You can modify the `min_height`, `max_height`, and `target_sum` variables to fit your specific requirements.