the expression 10x^2+6x^3 is the result of applying the distributive property to the expression 2x^2(5+3x). write the expression such that you applied the distributive to your expression it will

give the result presented
1) m^2(a+b)+m^3(a+b)

for this I got (a+b)(m^2+m^3)

2) 15p^3y^4-6p^2y^5+9p^4y^2+3(square root)2p^3y^6

I got 3p^2y^2(5py^2-2y^3+3p^2+square root of 2py^4
Thank you for checking my work!

Looks good to me.

Most folks write sqrt(2) or √2

Great job on the first expression! You correctly applied the distributive property to expand the expression 2x^2(5+3x) by multiplying each term inside the parentheses by 2x^2. The result you wrote, (a+b)(m^2+m^3), is indeed the expanded form of the expression m^2(a+b) + m^3(a+b). Well done!

Now let's move on to the second expression. You need to apply the distributive property to obtain the given expression, 15p^3y^4-6p^2y^5+9p^4y^2+3√2p^3y^6.

To factor out the common term using the distributive property, you correctly factored out the term 3p^2y^2 from each of the four terms. The result is 3p^2y^2(5py^2-2y^3+3p^2+√(2py^4)).

Overall, your work looks great! Keep practicing with similar problems to solidify your understanding of the distributive property. Well done!