Space the length of one day on venus is 35

earthdays write a product and an exponent .

To calculate the length of one day on Venus in Earth days, you need to multiply the value of 35 Venus days by a conversion factor.

The conversion factor is the number of Earth days in one Venus day. To find this, you'll need to know the ratio of the length of Venus's day to Earth's day.

Let's assume that one Venus day is equal to 0.92 Earth days. You can then calculate the length of one Venus day in Earth days using the following product:

35 Venus days * 0.92 Earth days/Venus day = (35 * 0.92) Earth days

= 32.2 Earth days

Alternatively, you can express the conversion factor using an exponent. In this case, let's assume the exponent is -1.

35 Venus days * (0.92 Earth days/Venus day)^(-1) = 35 * (0.92)^(-1) Earth days

= 35/(0.92) Earth days

≈ 38.04 Earth days (rounded to two decimal places)

Either way, you find that the length of one day on Venus is approximately equivalent to 32.2 Earth days or 38.04 Earth days, depending on whether you use a product or an exponent.